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infertility clinic Mississauga, Brampton, Bolton, Milton
  Fertility Treatments  
infertility infertility
reproductive technology In Vitro Fertilization
reproductive technology Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection
reproductive technology Intrauterine Insemination
reproductive technology Donor Insemination
reproductive technology Ovulation Induction
reproductive technology Assisted Hatching
reproductive technology Blastocyst Culture
reproductive technology Cryopreservation
reproductive technology Tubal Microsurgery
reproductive technology Endoscopic Surgery
reproductive technology Fertility Preservation
reproductive technology PGD/PGS
reproductive technology Polar Body Biopsy
reproductive technology Astra Minimally Invasive
Gynecological Surgery
reproductive technology Immunotherapy for recurrent
implantation failure/pregnancy loss
reproductive technology Donor Egg IVF
reproductive technology Donated Frozen Embryos
reproductive technology Surrogacy
conceive a baby
Treatments - Fertility Preservation
Fertility preservation involves freezing sperm, eggs, or embryos in order to provide a couple, single woman or man with the chance of having their own biological children in the future.

When to consider fertility preservation
- If you think you want to have children, but have a medical condition or social circumstances that requires that you delay pregnancy for a significant amount of time
- If you are about to undergo treatment, such as radiation or chemotherapy, that can cause infertility
- If you don’t want children now, but hope to defer child-bearing to sometime in the distant future.

What are the risk of fertility preservation?
The risks for egg and embryo freezing treatments are identical to those related to IVF. For those patients with serious medical conditions, such as cancer, the medications required for the process of fertility preservation could potentially cause additional complications in the course of the disease.  In addition, it must be understood that fertility preservation attempts to give you a chance of having in a child in the future, but certainly cannot provide a guarantee.
infertility clinics Mississauga, Brampton, Bolton, Milton, Toronto
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